Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year from BEIJING, CHINA!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Surrounded by...Haesindang Park
This weekend I am hoping to go to one of the many festivals offered. Last weekend, my friend and I visited Haesindang Park near Samcheok on the East Coast of South Korea, about 30 minutes or so north of Uljin. What is Haesindang Park? Funny you should ask!
Haesindang Park is a fa
Why these sculptures, carvings and such? Another good question. According to, the legend is as follows:
Legend of Aebawi and Haesindang – There once lived a young maid who was engaged. One day, the maid took her husband’s boat out to sea to harvest seaweed. Her husband dropped her off at a rock that was at a distance from the beach. After promising to pick her up later, he returned to the beach to do his work. Later, the weather changed, and brought with it strong winds and pummeling waves. The man couldn’t rescue his wife and she ultimately drowned. Since then, the village people caught no fish and some said that it was because of the dead maid. To soothe the spirit of the dead maid, the village people made several wooden carvings and held religious ceremonies on her behalf. After a while, the fish slowly returned and the villagers were able to live comfortably again. The place where the maid died was named Aebawi Rock and the building where the religious ceremony is held twice a year was named Haesindang. The ceremony is still honored today as a traditional folk event.
There is also a version of the legend that speaks of a man relieving himself into the sea and the fish slowly begin to come back after that. There is a statue at the park depicting that act. So, as it goes, it is a legend and though there may be several versions, the main idea is the same.
In addition to the park, there is a museum of folk art and there are many captions in English. It is nice to be able to read about the things in the museum, even if I don't quite understand the logic behind it. :-)
Regardless of how tasteless we as westerners may find this, this place was built to honor and appease the young virgin as the village would not have survived if the fish had not returned. Of course, Asians as well as westerners do find humor in many of the statues and everyone does seem to take a few tasteless pictures (as you can see by the next picture of a group of Asian tourist posing for a group picture), but it is all done in good fun and humor.
Perhaps we could learn something from this. Am I suggesting building a "Penis Park" anywhere in the United States? Uhmm, no. However, I do find it important that we honor and please The One in whom we place our trust no matter what others may think...
Until my next adventure...
Monday, October 11, 2010
My First Month in Korea
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
My Korean Doctor's Office Experience
In order to get my Alien Registration Card this Friday, I am required to have a simple drug test to make sure I am not taking any illegal drugs and also an HIV test. Simple, right?? Uhm...not if you are an American who speaks no Korean! So, my Director instructs me on where to go and assures me that it will be fine for me to go alone as the doctor speaks English. I hop on Pinky (aka my Hot Pink Bicycle) and pedal off to the clinic. I find it easily enough and lock up my bike and head to the is locked. I'm sure the sign on the door says to use the other entrance, but since I am illiterate, I cannot read it. lol...I venture around the building and manage to find the correct door and proceed upstairs to the clinic. At the desk I am met by a wide-eyed male receptionist who smiles and gives me a little paper about the size of an index card with nothing but Korean writing and blank spaces to be filled. It apparently is a registration form asking for my name, birthdate, etc., but, alas, I am illiterate. A kind nurse or medical assistant or whatever she is in her little white jacket, tries to assist me with the help of my handy dandy translation book! (Best $7.00 I have ever spent on a book) I manage to write my name, age, and birthday, then she escorts me to a seat.
After a bit, Nurse Lady motions for me to come over to the blood pressure machine. Yes, like the ones they have in Walgreens. It is in the middle of the waiting room. She takes my blood pressure which is through the roof because of the stress I am feeling and motions me to go sit back where she planted me previously. I take out a book and pretend to ignore the stares of all the Korean people, especially the little old lady next to me who makes it obvious she is staring. She mumbles something several times to me in Korean. I smile, nod, and go back to my book.
A few minutes later I am escorted into the doctor's "office" by Nurse Lady. Doctor "I-don't-even-know-his-name" is sitting behind his desk, motions me to sit on the stool in front of his desk, and proceeds to ask me, "What can I do for you today?" Hurray!!! He does speak English!! After a bit of exchange, I am finally able to get across what I need. I think he understands and I just want to get the heck out of there! He calls Nurse Lady on the phone and she appears instantaneously! He instructs her to take my "samples" for the "study" and she escorts me back to my perch. I sit like a good little girl waiting for my next instructions. Old Lady is still staring at me.
Nurse Lady comes to me with a PAPER CUP with a line drawn on the side and points to the "toilet" sign (I can read that one). I understand. Fill to line and bring back. Got it. I go into the restroom. I open the door to the "stall", and there it is...Squat Toilet. I say out loud to myself, "You have got to be kidding me!" For those of you who have no idea what a squat toilet is, I have included a picture. Yes, it is on the floor, I am wearing capris and have to give a sample in a paper cup. Really???
Somehow I manage to fill to the line without a major catastrophe, but then I am unsure what to do next. Well, I put some tissue around the paper cup and trot back through the waiting room (yes, the waiting room) and hand it to Nurse Lady who takes it from me with no gloves and sets it on the counter. Yes, you get it! No gloves, no lid, no sterile container, no "clean catch"...I am beside myself. But wait!! There's more!!
Now it is time to give my blood. "Sit," she says. I sit. On a stool. In a doorway. In front of the entire waiting room to watch as she takes my arm and ties the touniquet and proceeds to "slap, slap, slap" to get a vein to appear. Again, no gloves! I did at least witness a clean, sterile needle that she was going to use. She proceeds to take my blood into the container, then inject it into one of those tubes. Odd, just odd. She puts a cotton pad thing on my puncture then a bandage. All no gloves, sample still on counter uncovered, and the whole waiting room watching the Alien give blood. I really just want to run away at this point.
She manages to tell me I am finished and directs me to the receptionist. I need to pay 40,000 Won. Hmmm...would have been nice to know up front, as I only have 10,000 Won on me. I play the sign language game indicating I need to make a call. I call Teacher Jennifer (LOVE HER) and explain my dilemma. Graciously, she comes to rescue me, pays my bill, and whisks me away from this dreadful place. I am traumatized. Jennifer laughs and we both wonder why Mr. Cho (my Director) did not send one of the Korean teachers with me. We, Jennifer and I, cannot come up with a good reason, so we head over to her paint studio and have afternoon tea with her Art Teacher. My traumatization of the Korean health clinic is over. Now, I just hope I get that Alien Registration Card on Friday!
Stay tuned....
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Things That Amuse Me In Korea...Episode 1
Saturday, September 25, 2010
First Two Weeks in Korea
My Apartment
My apartment is a small studio on the 4th floor of a building with no elevator. Each day the climb gets a bit easier, but first I have to make it up the hill to the building! :-) I'm very close to the highway and the hospital is within a 5 minute walk. (That is important for my parents to know). It is clean and modern and I really like it. I finally learned how to get the stove to light last week, so now I can cook. My first attempt was ham, potatoes, onion and cabbage. YUMMMMM!!! Just a little western meal in my Korean apartment! The strangest thing to get used to is the shower. I have to turn on the hot water about 5 minutes prior to showering, then turn it off when I am finished. Also, there is no tub...only a shower that encompasses the entire bathroom. It truly is a BATH room. lol Regardless, it is just the right size for me and I really like it.
My School
I really, really like my school. There are about 5 Korean teachers and one other English speaking teacher. He, Teacher Mark, has been very helpful in helping me get settled here. His wife is Korean, so he
In order to explore more of my town, I bought a FANTASTIC bicycle!! It has been absolutely wonderful and I am so grateful to have it! Of course, it's hot pink with a basket and a bell and could not be any more adorable. lol... I traded my Jeep 4x4 for a hot pink bike...hmmmm... that just makes me giggle.
Transportation in Korea is second to none! I decided to take a trip to Pohang last weekend and hopped the intercity bus (which is majorly comfortable and actually fun to ride) and just a mere 1.5 hours later, I was shopping at a "supercenter" type store! It was really fun to see some American brands with Korean writing. (Go P&G!!) I took a walk down the "walking street" and managed to find a wonderful pizza place where I devoured a bacon and onion pizza. DELICIOUS. The sauce kind of reminds me of Dewey's. This is not LaRosa's, Cincinnati! After that, as I was walking by Starbucks, I saw a couple of western-looking girls and stopped to chat. We became fast friends and actually spent the Chuseok holiday together...more on that in a minute.
I grabbed a quick, cheap taxi back to the bus terminal, bought my ticket back to Uljin, and I was quickly on my way home! What a great day trip!
Everyone is asking me about the food. Well, for the first week, Ramen noodles and fried chicken were my best friends. I have since expanded my palette and tried more traditional Korean food. I have decided t
Korean people are generally very kind to me. One teacher from school took me out to "noribong", which is KARAOKE!!! Needless to say, I had a blast! The teachers at school are always more than willing to translate something for me, help me find a bus schedule, buy a cell phone, or even translate menus for me so I don't end up eating something I have no desire to eat. They always invite me to sit with them and ask me daily if I have eaten. If I tell them I have not, there is ALWAYS an offer of some food, whether it is half of their sandwich, some bread, noodles, or some rice. This is an important cultural thing which I find very endearing. They seem to genuinely care for one another and, well, if they don't, they at least keep up a good front!
When I go into the shops in town, I always greet them in Korean and sometimes they will answer back in English. This is not as common here as it was in Europe, but they genuinely
I've been getting a lot of questions about prices. Well, it really depends on what you want to purchase. For example, if I go to Lotteria (Korean McDonald's for lack of a better explanation), I will spend about three times as much to get a burger (which is gross anyway), fries (tasty), and a Pepsi than I would across the street at the 24 hour Korean "Diner". I can eat very well on about 3,000 to 4,000 won there (under $4.00) and not finish my entire meal.
When it comes to shopping in the stores, it is much the same. Beef is VERY expensive here, but chicken and pork are reasonable. I have yet to see anything that resembles a
Well, Korean television is entertaining...for a minute. lol There are a few English stations, but I have yet to figure out a schedule of what is on and when. I did catch an episode of "Bones" and "NCIS" in English with Korean subtitles. That made me happy. :-)
Noribong, aka Singing Rooms, are very popular here. I have been twice and had a blast both times. It is not like
Another social thing is called Jimjibang. Now, I suggest you just google it and decide for yourself, but three of us Western girls with tattoos and piercings braved the "Korean Bathhouse and Sauna" and had a simply delightful time! I cannot remember the last time my skin felt so soft and wonderful. I have included a simple link,, which explains it a bit better than I believe I can, but suffice it to say, we have decided to make it a monthly thing within our little group of friends to visit the Jimjibang and scrub each others backs to become "silky monkeys".
What I Miss From America
Strangely, I miss macaroni and cheese. I have been able to find Hershey's, so I am good on the chocolate front. I miss my friends and family. I really, really, really miss my boys. I must say, however, I am very grateful for the Internet, Facebook, and Skype. I don't know if I could be this far from everyone without it, especially Brandon and Bryan. I think I actually talk to my boys now than I did when they lived with me! lol :-)
What I Like Most About Korea
Today, what I like
Well, friends, this is a long post, but there were lots of questions from you all I wanted to be sure to answer. Should you have any other questions or are curious about anything, please let me know and I will address it!
Until next time, I will try to stay out of trouble (teehee) and stay safe on my Korean adventure. Love to you all!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sights and Smells of a Sunday Afternoon...
Taking my big blue backpack (great purchase), my little red umbrella (even better purchase), and some Korean Won, I set out for a walk through town with no agenda other than to visit the Uljin Market. I wandered across the street, past the golf course (driving range, really), the park with the stange leaves in the pond, and into the main part of town, taking short little videos along the way.
Though the sign pointed left towards the Market, I spotted colorful umbrellas up ahead. My curiousity won out and I venture
Behind the open air market were the "brick and mortar" shops of make-up, clothing, shoes, and various other wares. I stumbled into a little cosmetic shop and bought a tube of lip gloss. The kind lady at the counter gave me "free samples" of other cosmetics and told me that my skin was "beautiful". Funny, I think Koreans have beautiful skin and I have freckles. lol Regardless, I showed my gratefulness by saying "thank you" in Korean and giving a slight bow. She invited me to come back again, which I am sure I will. :-)
Back onto the streets, I wandered around with this cheesy grin, smiling and nodding to those who stared and said "hello" to children who always answered back a kind "hello" to me. They study English, so it is safe to assume they speak at least basic English phrases. I then came upon a familiar nut (no, not one of my friends), or so I thought, and pulled out my dictionary. Sure enough, they were chestnuts! I did not buy any today, but will do so more into the winter months. They prepare them much as we do in the States, so I am looking forward to that tasty treat.
There was a lady surrounded by bushels of apples and I wandered by too slowly. She offered me a taste and they were inde
I wandered through the market and then managed to find my way across the bridge to the other side of Uljin and where most of the night life happens. I happened upon the public elementary school, more chicken places, a bicycle shop (yay! I'm going to buy one), and various other little shops and restaurants. Finally back to "my side of town", I stopped in the local "burger joint" and had a snack of two cheese sticks and an iced tea. The tea tasted more like lemonade and was very good. I will have that again as it is right next to my school.
I then wandered in to a little supermarket and found a "pouf" for my interesting shower and some snack chips that taste kind of like Bugles. After exiting the supermarket, I was overwhelmed by a delicious aroma of roasted meat. As I ventured toward the place it was coming from, I decided it was indeed PORK!! I watched the man prepare the meat for a lady and then ordered some for myself. After all of this, I decided it was time to head home and enjoy my dinner and put my feet up for a while. I realized I had been walking for three hours!
I headed home, took out my trusty chopsticks (that's a sight!), put my feet up and relaxed the rest of the evening. So far I am enjoying my time in Uljin, South Korea and am looking forward to my first day of school. More later...
Friday, September 10, 2010
3 Airplanes, 2 Buses, 1 minor bump in the road...
After spending the entire night awake and stuffing every thing I could into my new backpack, we set off for the airport at about 4:00 a.m. Amanda and Ashley accompanied me all the way to security to make sure I could make it through without having to leave anything behind. Much to everyone's surprise, I did!! :-) Of course, this was after we sat on the floor at the airport redistributing things in one of my suitcases to get it underweight. Lol During check-in, I discovered my seats had been changed due to a plane change. I was not happy about this as I had paid for the upgrade to “Economy Plus” in order to have a little extra legroom. The nice lady at United looked and found me a seat in an exit row for the flight from San Francisco to Seoul. That made me happy. Additionally, my seat from Chicago to San Francisco was a middle seat instead of the aisle I had requested. Ugh.. Remember these details, as they is important to how the story develops.
Well, the first flight from Cincinnati to Chicago was uneventful. I got an aisle seat and actually dozed off for a few minutes. That was much needed. Upon boarding the plane in Chicago to San Francisco, the kind lady who was in the aisle seat asked if I would like her to move over to the middle (my assigned seat). I told her that would be fine, thinking it was just so I could get settled without blocking the aisle. Turns out, her husband is sitting by the window, so she moves to the middle to sit by him! Yippee!! I get the aisle! I was happy and I got to sleep a bit.
It was a good flight and we landed in Seoul about 30 minutes ahead of schedule. I was shuffled through immigration without any delay **another happy dance** and headed to baggage claim to retrieve my really heavy suitcases. They arrived with me!!! I was happy with United Airlines. Very happy. I headed through Customs with ease and out to find the bus to take me to Dong Bus Terminal to get my bus to Uljin. I find the ticket counter, purchase my ticket and attempt to tell the driver where I am going. He sort of understands, but takes me all the way to the hotel he was servicing! Lol...Once we arrive there and I explain again with my translation book and an interpreter where I need to go, he agrees to take me back to the bus terminal! Wow! He could have totally made me get off and buy another ticket, but he takes me back, drops me off and three little Korean men assist me into the bus terminal with all of my luggage.
Now, allow me to paint this picture of me and my luggage to you. I have two very large black suitcases with a gray strap around each. I also have a smaller matching carry-on and a big blue laptop backpack and my big American pillow. I have managed to strap the carry-on to one of the big suitcases and they roll together. I then take the monster pillow and strap it to the other suitcase. I am wearing the giant blue backpack and towing one suitcase handle in each hand. Can you picture it? It is truly a sight! I manage to purchase a ticket to Uljin and find my place of departure. Now I must find a phone and call the director to let him know what time to meet me at the terminal in Uljin. I find the pay phones and have NO CLUE how to operate them, as there are four different versions at this phone bank. Finally, I ask a young Korean woman for assistance, show her the number and she helps me use the phone. Success!! My people here now know I have arrived and will be there to greet me!
I have about an hour to k
I head over to find my bus and the bus driver looks at me and my luggage and smiles and says something in Korean to two other drivers. They look at my tag to try to figure out where this alien has come from and where I am going. They read my name “Angela” and repeat it over and over as they assist me with my luggage. Finally! On the bus to Uljin I go! Upon arriving in Uljin at around 11:00 p.m., my director meets me and whisks me away to find dinner and take me to my new abode. He takes me to this little place and we order, (are you ready for this?), fried chicken and beer. LOL!! I was cracking up! He suggested Korean beer and, for me not being a beer drinker, it was quite good! He was impressed that I had studied a bit about the culture and knew not to pour my own drink, but also how to pour his and receive mine with two hands. “You have studied a lot!” I was happy he was impressed. He also introduced me to Kimchi which I am not sure if I like or not. I think it is an acquired taste, but I did not dislike it.
We talked for a bit about the school and what I will be doing. School starts at 2:00 pm and ends at 7:40 p.m. How cool is that? I have to be at school around 1:00 on Monday so I can get settled and that's it! It ends up being about a 30 hour work week. No late nights and no early mornings. I think I'm gonna like it here! Oh! And did I mention the Singing Rooms??? Oh yeah, baby, KARAOKE is the favorite pastime (along with drinking beer and eating fried chicken) and there are places everywhere!! Hmmm...sweet schedule, coastal city, a nice director, Korean beer is good, and I get to teach. Wow.
After eating, Mr. Cho took me to my studio apartment. It is on the 4th floor and is actually better than what I had hoped for. See the video for a short tour.
I am getting settled in and toured Uljin this afternoon with Mr. Cho. He showed where to shop, how to get to school, how to get to the ocean and even took me to a fish market where you can buy fresh, live fish, watch them kill it, then they cook it and you eat it. I cannot stomach that just yet. lol
Know that I miss you all and will continue to update my blog as I can. I'm hoping at least once a week, but will probably do more as interesting things happen. Once I get my apartment put together, I will post another video. So, after three airplanes, two buses, and a minivan, I have arrived. Stay tuned for more adventurous updates!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Night Before Flight
In this quiet, I am able to reflect on my journey thus far. It is hard for me to believe that I am actually going to Korea for a year...12 months...four seasons...on the other side of the world! I have so many wonderful friends who have been so encouraging and helpful these past few weeks. My parents have assisted me and my boys have been very supportive. I could not ask for better people in my life right now. I don't know if my journey would have gone so smoothly to this point if it had not been for all of these people.
Many have asked what I am most looking forward to. I have no idea really what to expect, though I am looking forward to being near the ocean and being able to just walk out to it every day. I'm looking forward to tasting crab tomorrow in this city known for crab. I'm looking forward to seeing my school and my classroom and meeting all of my students. The open air markets are intriguing to me, so I am looking forward to exploring the town this weekend.
I'm not looking forward to being so far away from my boys. As a mother, I have to worry about them. That's my job, but I would worry regardless. However, I know they have a host of people ready to help if they need help and lots of folks who love and care about them. I think we will all grow a lot over the next 12 months and I am very much looking forward to seeing the results of that.
It is almost time for me to make final checks and preparations. Passport, visa, money, ticket, luggage packed correctly, etc. I hope and pray that the peace I feel about this journey is real. I am not really nervous, but excited. I'm excited about the possibilities that await me. I'm excited about the adventure of a new culture and new people. I'm also excited about sharing this with those of you who are following my blog.
I'm not sure when I will have access to Internet again, but I am planning to update this blog at least once a week. I hope you enjoy reading it and, please, feel free to comment or ask any questions you may have. I'll see you on the other side of the world!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Less than 36 hours to lift-off
I'm looking forward to dinner with a few friends Wednesday evening at a favorite BBQ place in Cincinnati. After saying "goodbye", I will head over to some dear friends who live near the airport and will spend the night there so they can take me to the airport at some ungodly hour Thursday morning. They are so looking forward to that. lol :-)
I also picked up $1000 USD worth of Korean Won, which was a little over 1 million Won. So, does that make me a millionaire? Oh well, it's fun to think about anyway.
I'm totally looking forward to this adventure and hope you enjoy reading about it. Funny thing is, although I am a bit nervous, I have a great peace and calm about everything. I honestly feel it is the right thing to do and the right time to do it. I have no idea what may be in store for me, but I am excited to find out! Keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers as I travel far from home and far from my boys. I'm so glad they are supportive of this!
Until next time...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
One week left...
I also left my condo behind today. I have to run back in the morning to get a couple of last minute things I just could not manage today, but for all rights and purposes, it is complete and I am outta there! As I took one of the final loads to storage today, I stepped back and looked at all of my belongings and wondered just how important those "things" were going to be to me in a year. Did I really need everything in there? At 40 years old, is this really all my life consists of? Then I pondered the idea that this ws not such a bad thing. I mean, someone earlier this week told me how people hide behind fancy clothes, expensive cars, big houses, etc. However, I am really stripping myself down. I have nothing to hide behind. It's just me. Simply me. Although a bit scary, I find it also quite refreshing and freeing.
Tomorrow I have to go exchange USD for Korean Won, renew my driver's license, get an International Driving Permit (just in case I need it), finish getting stuff out of my condo, turn the keys in, return my new laptop bag, find a new laptop bag that fits my laptop, and re-pack my suitcases. Upon carrying them down the steps tonight, I have decided, once again, that I may have overpacked. Ugh. My luggage has to have what I need and it must be managable by me alone. Right now it is too overwhelming. I have to remind myself that they really do have stores over there and I can actually purchase things I may need. Wow. What a concept!
For this final week, I want to spend as much time as possible with the people in my life who are important to me; my boys, my parents, my friends. Thanks to all of you who have been supporting me as I have sorted out the details of this grand adventure. This time next week, I will be saying my goodbye's and doing final baggage checks! Wow...where did the time go?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
All Systems Go!
I may have mentioned in an earlier post just how easily this entire "Korea thing" came together. Please indulge me while I share another "hmmmm, okay" moment and I will let you come to your own conclusion.
Of course, I was able to take the Megabus to and from Cincy, then got a sweet deal on a hotel in downtown Chicago. So, I get off the bus and around the corner comes a taxi. I flag him, he stops and whisks me away for a little $8 ride to my hotel. I check in with no problems and have a room on the 10th floor with a huge king size bed (I sold my bed last week) and am thrilled to plop down on it with all the comfy pillows. ahhhhh...ahem..anyway, as I was saying. (teehee...I really enjoyed that comfy bed!) I opened my binder just to make sure I had everything I needed for the Consulate: Passport. Check. Picture. Check. Copy of Passport Signature page. Check. Uh oh...still need a Priority or Fed-Ex envelope to have it mailed back and a $45 money order for the Visa. Hmmm...It is 8:00 p.m. I decide there is nothing I can do about it now, so I head out to grab some Geno's (mmmmm...) and as I walk out the front door of the hotel, what do I see? A Post Office!! Yes, that is right. Of all the hotels I could have been in, I end up in the one across the street from the post office that opens at 8:30 a.m.!! Oh yeah, they sell Priority mail envelopes as well as money orders.
I then find out the NBC building where I had to go was a short 4 block walk from the hotel. No need for another taxi! Cha-ching!
Now, I don't know about you, but based on the ease of which everything has come together for me while I have been preparing for this big move, one has to believe in some sort of divine being that is watching over me and guiding me through this process. I mean, really?? Call it coincidence if you like, but I call it a God-incident. Just saying.
After I finished with my appointment, I had a few hours to kill so I wandered a few blocks over to the Navy Pier and treated myself to some yummy gelato, deep dish pizza and a ride on an insanely high Ferris wheel! Tall Ships were there (much like Tall Stacks in Cincy), so there were lots of cool ships to see. It was a perfect day. Sunny, breezy, no humidity! Absolutely perfect and relaxing!
I walked back to the hotel to retrieve my stored luggage, hailed a taxi, then hopped back on the bus. The parents picked me up once I arrived back in Cincy and I was home in my own little place by 11:00p.m. Not bad for a whirlwind trip!
I also received confirmation and an e-ticket for my flight. I will be leaving at 6:05a.m. on September 9, 2010, and will arrive in Seoul, S. Korea around 3:20 p.m. the next day. Now, keep in mind they are 13 hours ahead of us in Cincy, so while it is a long trip, it is not really that bad. Once there, I will take two buses to my new place to call home for a year. Wow. In less than 14 days, I will be on my way.
These past few days have been mixed with excitement, fear, uncertainty, anxiety, and peace. It is a strange recipe of emotions and sometimes hard to keep in check. However, I know I have a lot of friends and family who are supporting me, praying for me, and have just been so genuinely encouraging. The prayers and kind words sustain me through those doubtful times of uncertainty and fear. I cannot thank you enough, and you know who you are.
I hope I make each and every one of you proud as I am not only representing myself and my recruiting agency, but also the United State of America. I am representing each of you every time a little Korean child looks at me or mimics my speech. Every time I go to the market and the ladies chopping off fish heads look at me, I am representing you. I am very proud to be an American and will do my best to represent you and America in the most positive way possible.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Q and A
Q: Where are you going?
A: Uljin, South Korea. It is a small fishing village on the east coast of S. Korea north of Pohang. They are known for crab and have a yearly crab festival that is attended by people from all over the country.
Q: What are you going to do there?
A: Eat crab and drink soju! lol...just kidding!! I will be teaching English to elementary students at a private school (called hagwons).
Q: How long will you be gone?
A: I will only be gone for a short 12 months. It will fly by, I'm sure! And with technology, no one will even really miss me!
Q: What about the boys (i.e. my children/kiddos/offspring/etc.)? Are you taking them?
A: Brandon is on his own and doing well for himself. He is young and makes mistakes, but he is working hard to reach his goals. Bryan decided to go live with his dad before I even began entertaining this journey. He is a freshman in high school and will be just fine. Both of the boys are very supportive and have made sure to set up Skype and learn a bit about Korea. They know it is only for a year and I will be available at the click of a mouse!
Q: Where will you live?
A: The school provides an apartment for me at no cost. It is within walking distance of the school, so plenty of exercise for me! :-)
Q: Is it expensive to live there?
A: No. One of the reasons I chose South Korea was because of the low cost of living. I am actually going to be able to save some money.
Q: Are you taking all of your stuff with you?
A: No. I am taking two suitcases and a carry-on full of clothes and teaching supplies I cannot live without! My apartment is fully furnished and I will be able to purchase some things I need once I get there. Everything I am leaving behind is being put into storage and will be here for me when I return. It's kind of sad that I can fit all of my worldly posessions into a 10x10 storage unit!
Q: Do you speak Korean?
A: Nope. Not a word. However, I have purchased a phrase book so I can learn key phrases and will carry it with me everywhere! I also will be immersed into the culture and will basically be forced to learn. It's sink or swim time! (Or maybe it is swim or starve! LOL)
Q: Don't they eat dog over there?
A: I have to laugh every time I hear this question. The answer is, yes, they do but it is not as common as everyone seems to think. It is believed to increase a man's stamina and strength. I am not a man and know that caffiene can give me any boost I need. lol Just like in the U.S., I will be avoiding foods I dislike. Dog will not even be entertained (or eaten) by this girl. I just can't do it.
Q: What are you going to do when you get back?
A: I'm sure I will want to enjoy time with my family and friends I have missed. I will begin looking for a job prior to leaving Korea next year (yay Internet!) so, hopefully, I will have a job to come home to.
These are the most common questions, but if you have others, please feel free to post below as I'm sure others have some of the same questions.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
More preparations...
Saturday: Pick up truck to take things to storage
Sunday: Pack up the rest of Bryan's things into the truck and drive them to him. Truck is a one-way rental (yes, it was cheaper that way) then catch the Amtrak train back to Cincinnati from Huntington, WV. Hmmm...I need to find someone to pick me up. I'll work on that...haha.
Monday: "Normal" day of work and more packing.
Tuesday: Dentist at 8:30 a.m., (gotta stay cavity free! 40 years is a long time to hold a "cavity-free" record!), then head to downtown Cincinnati to catch the Megabus (oh, yeah!) to Chicago, which leaves at 2:30p.m. 7:00p.m. I will arrive in Downtown Chicago and walk two blocks to my $35 deal of a hotel room (thanks, friend)!
Wednesday: Head over to the Korean Consulate office and complete the final Visa processing then hop on the Megabus at 3:00 p.m. to come back to Cincinnati. Whew! So glad I don't have to drive!!
The remainder of the week will be spent sorting and packing up the few remaining items in my place, then figuring out where I am going to sleep for eight days until I leave.
How will this all turn out? Who knows? Not everyone understands why I am doing this and believes I am running away. The reality is that I am not running "from" anything. I am running "to" an opportunity. This is an opportunity for me personally as well as for my teaching career. I am taking time for me, just me. I am doing something because I want to and not because I am expected to because of a status. Some may call it selfish. Maybe it is. All I know is I feel a calm and peace about this decision that I have not felt in a long, long time about decisions I have made.
At the bottom of my blog page, there is a song list of songs that have inspired me. One of those songs is, "Live Like You Were Dying". Listen to it. Hear the words. Understand the message. Life will simply pass us by if we don't go out there and grab it and take it. We will get out of life what we put into it. I believe that, and I don't want to be old and gray sitting around wishing I would have taken a chance and done something I really wanted to do.
Friends, if you are reading this, you know how much my friends and family mean to me. You know I am passionate about what I believe in and can be a bit stubborn. (stop laughing...I hear you!) You do need to know this. People may come and go in my life; some stay longer than others. You are all important to me and have played some role in my life. I will miss you and think of you often. You will be in my prayers and thoughts daily. I may be halfway around the world, but that doesn't change the way I feel for any of you. Ya know?? :-) Besides, we always have Facebook!! lol
Well, the moving truck awaits and I have gotten sappy enough today. Time to move the boxes. Preparations continue. Until next time....
Thursday, August 19, 2010
FINALLY!!! My Visa Has Been Approved!!!
Wow. I'm really going to Uljin, S. Korea! Jung-Chul English I come!
Friends, if you are praying people, please keep me and my boys in your prayers. For me, pray for strength, wisdom, courage, and safety. For my boys, Brandon and Bryan, please pray for strength to persevere, courage to stay strong, wisdom to make good decisions, safety in all they do, and happiness in their lives.
Stay tuned for more Adventures by Angela!!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Oh, Where Is My Visa???
Part of getting my affairs in order has to do with my two boys. Brandon (19 y.o. son) and his girlfriend came over for dinner tonight. I really wanted to get a good feel on what he is thinking of my adventur
My youngest, Bryan (15 y.o. son), seems to be excited at the idea of coming to visit me during his summer break in June. He is with his father and starts high school tomorrow. It is going to be a huge adjustment being away from my boys and them being totally away from me, but it is time for them to fly a bit. I want them to know they can do anything and they have the power within themselves to make life happen. I can tell them that until I pass out, but they need to see that it is possible. I believe my current quest gives an example of how to make life happen.
Everything else I need to do seems to be falling into place. Storage unit? Check. Boxes? Check. Big stuff sold? Check (except the piano is still lounging around...) Medical checkup? Check. Dental checkup? Check. School supplies packed? Check. Clothes packed? Almost! Laptop? Not yet, but close. Visa? UGH!!! I am so impatient!
So, again I ask, Where Is My Visa??? Soon, the recruiter says, soon. Stay tuned...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Learning is a process...
Here are some examples:
1. Final Visa Interview: Well, I thought I just sent paperwork to Korea (after getting it Apostilled and notarized and blah blah, they issued a Visa, and off I could go on a big airplane! Nope! Apparently, I have to go to Chicago to the Korean Consulate General and have a final interview there and my Visa will be finalized within three days of interviewing. Who knew?? Not me! The good news is I found Megabus!! Oh yeah!! For just a mere $39 I can hop on this Mega Bus and be in Chicago in just 5 1/2 hours, take care of my business there, then hop on the bus for another $39 back to beautiful downtown Cincinnati! Why would anyone even think of driving?? I will be taking the Megabus! (fyi...Cincinnati to Columbus is only $12 bucks!!)
2. Cell Phone: I have been investigating cell phones in the States to see what kind of international/global plan would be best. Of course, I have a loyalty to Verizon because my son, Brandon, works there. However, this stuff is EXPENSIVE!! Apparently, cell phones (or "hand phones as they call them in Korea) are much easier and less expensive to pick up over there. The same is true of phone cards. Of course, my plan to purchase a laptop with a web cam is in order so I can Skype ( my family and friends back home. Korea is 13 hours ahead of Cincinnati, and I will be free in the mornings when you will all be free in the evenings! Perfect! And FREE!!
3. Internet: I suppose since I will be an "alien" in Korea, it will be difficult for me to get some bills in my name. This would include Internet and cable. Well, I have no real need for cable if I have Internet, so that is a MUST. It seems that most schools provide some way for the foreign teachers (yes, I would be a "foreign" teacher) to get Internet access in their apartments. I mean, what will I do without Internet in my little dwelling??? I must find out how my school handles this.
4. Trash: I suppose there is quite the trash problem in Korea, especially in the larger cities like Seoul and Busan. Recycling is mandatory and there is not a lot of room for disposable trash to be disposed of properly, nor are there many (if any from what I gather) public trash cans along the sidewalks. And get's okay to litter! Seriously! There are people who are hired to simply pick up wrappers and trash off the sidewalk that people legally drop there throughout the day!! This issue will be interesting to see how it differs from big cities to the small village where I am going to be.
5. Korean Kindness: Everyone I have talked to expresses how sociable and kind Koreans are. I sure hope that is true. To date, I only really have one experience with Koreans. On Sunday, I approached an Asian couple at church. I had noticed they always carry a foreign Bible, and it appeared to be Korean text (hangul). Upon speaking to them, I discovered they had come to the U.S. from Seoul 25 years ago and settled in Cincinnati. I asked Mrs. Kim if she could help me learn some Korean before I leave. Well, she has a CRAZY work schedule, but called me yesterday with the names of two Korean churches that offer FREE Korean lessons! I thought that was very sweet of her. I checked out the websites and will be calling them to get more details. I figure I really should learn how to get directions, shop and eat. :-)
So, these are the little things I have stumbled upon thus far. If you have any tidbits of info, please feel free to post them here! As for now, the waiting continues...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Waiting....and waiting...
The recruiter told me yesterday all of my paperwork is in order and was on it's way for approval. She says I should know in 7-10 business days.
Ugh...wait, wait, wait. So, my friends, we wait. Until then... :-)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Package what ??
So, what do I need to do to get my affairs in order? Well, I already have the boys taken care of, so that would be the biggest issue and it is already done! Yay! I went to Wal-Mart last night and they had storage tubs on sale for $4.00 each. I bought ten so I can start packing things up to go to storage. Oh, I suppose I should find a storage unit. lol I will look into that today. I am selling my Jeep and quite a bit of my furniture. Almost all of it is second-hand stuff anyway, so I always try to make sure it goes to someone who really needs it whenever I get rid of things. My mother is interested in buying my Jeep, so I won't have to worry about storing it. I was going to buy a new car next year anyway, so now I just get to live without one for a year!I suppose other than packing and moving things to storage, I am pretty well set!
I visited
I pulled out the two largest suitcases I own and started packing some sweaters and other cold weather gear in the giant suitcase along with some pictures and "home" things I want to be sure to have. I am realizing I don't wear many of the clothes in my closet, so this is not much of a challenge to pull out my favorite warm fuzzies that still fit! lol Although, with all the walking and veggies I will be eating over there, I am counting on losing quite a bit of weight! I also packed several sticks of Secret, as I am told deodorant is hard to find over there. I am hoping with my Veteran status I will be able to shop at the PX on the Army base for any American goodies I may need.
Today will be spent trying to organize and sort and label all of my belongings. It's really hard to pack for a year. The only time I ever had to do that was when I was in the Army and they gave me clothes to wear! lol Regardless, I am very much looking forward to this grand adventure. Now it is just a waiting game to see if the Visa comes through. Keep your fingers crossed and your prayers a'comin'! Stay tuned....
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I need to get a "what"???
According to, and apostille is defined as "a means of authenticating a signature on a document that is recognized by an international body." Hmph! Who knew such a thing existed? (Ok, so all of you international workers out there knew; I didn't. lol) Anyway, you can click on the link for more details, but maybe you learned a fun new word today that no one can really seem to agree on how to pronounce.
Aside from running to Walgreens later to get a couple of passport sized pictures, all of my other paperwork is in order to be sent to S. Korea via Fed-Ex to apply for the Visa. Rumor has it that sometimes a Visa can be denied for really no apparent reason. I sure hope that is not the case with me. So far everything has been pretty smooth sailing. I just hope that continues! Cross your fingers and say a prayer for quick turnaround of this step. Stay tuned for more from...Adventures by Angela!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
First Offer!
Concerns: What the heck am I going to eat?? What if the kids don't like me?? What if I hate it? What if my apartment is crappy? What am I going to do with all my stuff here?
Exciting things: Experience with another culture! Living somewhere totally different for a year! I get to TEACH!! The schools in Korea want foreign teachers to teach English! I could go to the ocean all the time! Fresh seafood! mmmm....
I guess I will keep my prayer of asking God to open the door wide for where I am supposed to go and close the others. On with the adventure!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Beginning...
For many years, I have been a teacher. Even when I am not teaching as a profession, I am still a teacher. It is part of who I am. I love to watch when student's have an "aha" moment and actually get a concept that had one time been a struggle. To watch a child grow and blossom is indescribable and it is one of the things that I find most rewarding. For this reason, I am researching teaching English as a Foreign Language.
I have applied to several schools and posted my resume on TEFL job boards. My inbox currently has four offers with contracts from China and numerous opportunity leads for Korea. For some reason, I find myself being drawn to Korea; specifically the east coast. I'm not sure why, but that seems to be where I am focused. Even at this late hour, I am still up actually awaiting a call from a school north of Ulsan on the east coast that is interested in hiring me as an English teacher. I'm so excited about the many possibilities! Yet, the thought of going halfway around the globe is terrifying at the same time. How can that be? I'm not sure, but I do know I feel it is the right direction and I am supposed to go.
So, you may be wondering (if you are still reading) why I would start a blog. Good question! I'm not really sure why other than to document this grand adventure in my 40th year on this earth. Once I get a job in Korea, I want to be able to post stories about my experiences for my family and friends back home to read. I want to take them on my adventure and let them experience all the little silly, fun, happy, sad, crazy, scary, and downright insane things through my little blog.
One thing my mother has always said is to live life without regrets. She says when she goes, she wants to "slide in" and say, "whew! what a ride"! I suppose I am like her in that respect. I wnat to see the world! I want to experience all that life has to offer! I want to taste foods from other countries and see the world through someone else's eyes. We only have one life to live and I am so done with the woulda, shoulda, coulda stuff. Thankfully, my dad is a bit more levelheaded and reminds me to read the small print and make sure I think things through before I go jumping into things. Ahhh, Dad...the older I get, the smarter he has always been! His advice is always worth listening to!
Although I will miss everyone, I am so grateful to have the opportunity to even explore the possibilities of spending a year teaching abroad. In 26 minutes, I will have another interview. Who knows? This could be the one! Regardless, I keep praying for God to shut doors that are not for me and open the one He has prepared for me. I guess that is why I feel so peaceful when an opportunity does not pan out.
Keep coming back for the latest on my grand adventure. Hopefully, I will keep you intrigued and entertained throughout my adventures. I cannot wait to get back into the classroom!! :-)