Wednesday, September 1, 2010

One week left...

Today was my last day at my current place of employment. I am going to miss everyone so much. They are so supportive and kind. Most of all, every single one believes in me, my passion, my energy, and my decision to go teach little children in Korea. Not one of them laughed at me or told me I was crazy. lol... They were all encouraging and offered kind words as we shared a lunch together for one last time. I will miss the "T.A.N.K", as we are so affectionately known (Tracy, Angela, Amanda, Nancy, Katie), and the happy times along with the stressful times and the downright crazy times. Ah, yes, I leave the staffing world behind today to move on to other challenges.

I also left my condo behind today. I have to run back in the morning to get a couple of last minute things I just could not manage today, but for all rights and purposes, it is complete and I am outta there! As I took one of the final loads to storage today, I stepped back and looked at all of my belongings and wondered just how important those "things" were going to be to me in a year. Did I really need everything in there? At 40 years old, is this really all my life consists of? Then I pondered the idea that this ws not such a bad thing. I mean, someone earlier this week told me how people hide behind fancy clothes, expensive cars, big houses, etc. However, I am really stripping myself down. I have nothing to hide behind. It's just me. Simply me. Although a bit scary, I find it also quite refreshing and freeing.

Tomorrow I have to go exchange USD for Korean Won, renew my driver's license, get an International Driving Permit (just in case I need it), finish getting stuff out of my condo, turn the keys in, return my new laptop bag, find a new laptop bag that fits my laptop, and re-pack my suitcases. Upon carrying them down the steps tonight, I have decided, once again, that I may have overpacked. Ugh. My luggage has to have what I need and it must be managable by me alone. Right now it is too overwhelming. I have to remind myself that they really do have stores over there and I can actually purchase things I may need. Wow. What a concept!

For this final week, I want to spend as much time as possible with the people in my life who are important to me; my boys, my parents, my friends. Thanks to all of you who have been supporting me as I have sorted out the details of this grand adventure. This time next week, I will be saying my goodbye's and doing final baggage checks! Wow...where did the time go?

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